Thursday 7 April 2016

C# Editor

A new programming language based on the c & c + + languages, C# is developed by Microsoft. C# is a simple, modern, object oriented and typesafe programming language.

C# is pronounced c sharp, aims to combine the high productivity of visual basis and raw power of c + +.  “Anders Hejlsberg” the principle architect of c#. He works with Borland on turbo Pascal and Delphi. After left Borland, Hejlsberg worked at Microsoft on Visual J++.

In C# everything is an object. In other words all types in c# are objects.
C# is a case sensitive language.

Example Code:

string str = "Select * from Customer";
string STR = "Select * from Customer";

                return "Matched";
                return "Not Matched";

Editors and IDEs:
C# editors available for create applications. Visual Studio .Net Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is currently the best tool for developing c# applications.

Using .Net SDK you can use any c# editor also you can use Notepad, Notepad++ or WordPad for make c# program.

Using command – line compiler csc.exe comes with .net sdk. You can type below syntax for run c# program file.

csc d:\HelloWorld.cs <- and press enter

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