Saturday 28 May 2016

.Net Framework

Pronounced as: Dot Net Framework

- .Net Framework is revolutionary platform that helps you to write Windows Application, Web Applications and Web Services
- .Net Framework applications are multi platform applications.
- .Net Framework consists of an enormous library of codes used.

List of version introduce by Microsoft

.Net Framework 1.0
.Net Framework 2.0
.Net Framework 3.0
.Net Framework 3.5
.Net Framework 4.0
.Net Framework 4.5

So, List of components is in .Net Framework
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Class Library
Common Language Specifications (CLS)
Common Type System (CTS)
Windows Forms And AJAX
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
Entity Framework
It is used to perform memory management, debugging, security checking, exception handling, code execution, thread execution, code safety, managed code, code compilation and verification.

The code is managed by the CLR is called as Managed Code. When managed code is compiled by CLR the computer converts the source code of your application into a CPU intermediate language code (IL).
A just in time compiler (JIT) compiles Intermediate Language (IL) code into native code.
.Net Framework consist a huge amount of library of reusable types, classes, structures, interfaces, enumerated values and delegates.

For example: Show the methods, namespaces, action into console application.
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